Systematic pairings
The 1000Club's auto-matching engine presents you with new prospects with infallible rigor and precision.
The unit of value of 1000Club is time. This is why we are constantly working to save you precious time by assisting your prospecting. The goal is to automatically, in fact systematically, discover new customers, better suppliers, distributors, investors, partners, employers, employees, etc., with a minimum of action. All you have to do is fill in your tags and publish your requests and offers to be recommended and benefit from recommendations from the members most appropriate to your needs. Your small initial actions bear fruit today and tomorrow without interruption. This is productivity!
The tags in your account are the keys to your success
When you register, 1000Club offers you to enter purchase, sale, rental, exchange and sharing tags. You can complete these tags at will by adding new tags and/or deleting them.
To better match the sale offers and the purchase needs posted by the members of the community, you have the possibility of distinguishing between your professional and particular needs. News tags show you relevant non-commercial information.
Community member passwords allow you to see their private messages when you follow them and match saved filters in their Dynamic Circles.
Publish to be systematically discovered over time
Posting a presentation of your company or your professional activity (Corporate Profile), as well as presentations of your products and services (Article), micro-blogging messages, and/or confidential messages (intended only for your authorized subscribers), is the most effective way to capture attention by making yourself known.
The tags contained in your publications allow them to be displayed in the auto-matching engine. To do this, they must match the tags provided by community members in their account.
1000Club works 24/7/365 for your success
1000Club regularly introduces you (with surprising rigor and comfort) to the best customers, suppliers, distributors, partners, employers, employees, etc., locally and/or internationally.
Publish once and harvest constantly.
The technological and human resources that we allocate to you automate your commercial prospecting to make it simpler, more pleasant and more effective.
Quality of your tags
The accuracy and relevance of your tags determines the quality of the contacts generated.
Your tags should be as specific as possible to make your connections relevant.
By using generic tags, you increase matching by reducing precision.
Membership level
Matching-tags require more server resources. Therefore, the higher your membership level, the more tags you have to enter, and the more efficient your connections will be, giving you a better ranking in the auto-matching engine.
We thank you in advance for upgrading your membership level to ensure our future developments.