Cloning of publications: a major marketing breakthrough!
Authorizing the cloning of a publication opens the door to the 1000Club affiliate network to gain new customers.
With just one click, 100Club affiliates can create a copy of an authorized post to promote it from their 1000Club powered site. It means instantly benefiting from a global network of commercial service providers. It is possible, but not obligatory, to select the ones you prefer.
Your global network of 1000Club affiliates just a click away
1000Club recruits and trains its web affiliates who are a commercial force from which you can benefit at your discretion provided that:
1. Authorize the cloning of one or more of your publications.
2. On your sales to consumers [B2c] with payment by credit card: 1000Club deducts 10% of the amounts paid and automatically remunerates its network of affiliates.
3. On your sales to professionals [B2b]: on each publication, indicate the percentage of sales that you will pay to 1000Club. Once the transaction is concluded and the money from the sale has been collected, transfer the percentage initially planned to 1000Club, which is responsible for remunerating its network of affiliates.
Become a 1000Club affiliate to earn money!
The condition is to be a member of 1000Club (whatever your Plan) and to sign the Web affiliation contract with a legal double click. Immediately after signing, you become a Web 1000Club Affiliate and you can earn money on shared cloned posts.
Your income: 25% of BV (Business Volumes) generated by your personal customers by acquiring any product or service from 1000Club or members of the community. When you cross a certain BV threshold over a period of 12 months, you can request to join Dynamic Affiliation (superior to Web Affiliation) to benefit from additional sources of income.
Incredible simplicity! So fast! In 1 click!
Classic affiliate systems require the generation of complex links and their integration into your blogs, websites, social networks, etc. It's tedious and not for everyone. With 1000Club, no more copying/pasting complex links and their integrations.
A cloned post instantly appears on the cloner's 1000Club site, which can add a link to its header and/or footer. The cloner can also hide a cloned post on the home page of its site in 2 clicks. In the case of a smart site, the latter can appear as if by magic when it corresponds to the specific needs of a connected visitor.
What does that change in concrete terms?
The author's name always appears on the cloned publication, whose contact details become those of the cloner.
The author of the publication can configure the reception of a duplicate of the emails sent from the contact forms. The link to the cloned publication, as well as the cloner information appears in the received copy.
When a new member/customer signs up from a cloned post, they become part of the cloner's network, who earns commission on that member's purchases/sales.
The system was designed to provide promotional power to businesses that post offers/requests on the 1000Club marketplace and on their site.